Thursday, May 21

My First BF

Let it be known to the blogging world that CATCHING UP after an absence (almost a month), really sucks. I was just about to start my lengthy recap of my parents' visit from Utah, when my daughter asks me to make her 11:30pm. I have a few "choice" words I'd like to say to her for not eating when I told her to, but I will keep them to myself because Jesus loves the little children, and so must I. I also busted my phone tonight (only 3 weeks old) so I'd like to just hurry up and sleep this day off already.

When I was a 3rd grader attending Lupelele Elementary School in American Samoa, Kehau was the first real friend I ever had. She had ehu-blond hair, green eyes, fair skin, and a name I never forgot. She had just moved from Hawaii that year, so I was immediately drawn to her, though I don't quite know what exactly she saw in me as a friend. She was feisty, and I was quiet, but we were good kids. I remembered feeling so special when she asked me for my house number so we (little moe mimiz) could talk on the phone. My family moved to Hawaii before the '87 school year, so I was 9 the last time I'd seen her. I have always wondered what happened to her ever since.

Last month, the Galeai family in our ward spoke during sacrament mtg. Because I never forgot Kehau's name, I approached the family with excitement, because her resemblance to them was unmistakable. My hunch was right, and on Mother's Day I found out that she was coming to Hawaii from Idaho, to bless her son in our ward. {Small world, huh?}

Well, this past Sunday I was finally reunited with Kehau, and I am stoked to reconnect and possibly build a new friendship all over again. I wonder how differenent/alike we are, where our paths have led us, and whether or not our personalities are even compatible any more. I guess we shall see. This time around, I asked for her number and we have agreed to catch up via email.

Here we are, 22 years later with our babies that were both born in Jan, 10 days apart.

PS: I just got an email from her this morning, and she says I was always the smartest girl in school, teacher praising my work all the time (how come I don't remember that?) Anyway, it really is awesome to find her.


Rachey-Foo said...

That is so cool! I love when things like that happen. :)

hine.T said...

Yes. Way cool!

Leslie said...

This is so AWESOME!!!!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

Maybe u don't remember it because UR A NERD!! I Believe it!! So awesome!!!

evotia said...

oooh! i went to lupelele too! world is getting smaller! world is getting smaller! haha!

Tahri and Kehau said...

I can't believe you have a blog! I'm going to follow you now. :) I seriously can't believe how small this world really is. That is sooo crazy that we ran into each other so many years later. I ALWAYS thought about you and wanted to know what you have been up to. It was sooo good to see you............And everyone in our class would remember you as the smart one!