Wednesday, January 21


Okay, maybe I should revert to my recent post and ask for GOD TO HELP ME coz right now I'm havin a "B.F. "type of day. (Watch "White Chicks" if you don't know what that means!) I don't know if it's the lack of sleep, my over-sized (not to mention aching) belly and body, heartburn, constipation, a gazillion shishi trips (pregnant mothers holler if you hear me), or WEDNESDAY in general, but today has not been good! I'm irritable and angry at nothing and everything at the same time. Or maybe I'm bipolar and don't know it? Among the top of my list of things I was supposed to do were visit my sis-in-law at the hospital, call one of my BFFs to wish him Happy Birthday, and have a night out with girlfriends for dinner and a movie. Neither will happen today, not the way I am feeling.
Today I just wanted to lay around and do nothing, but even the most mediocre/normal chores like cleaning up my room x2, picking up toys, laundry, loading the dishwasher, cooking dinner and catering to my 3 year old...all the things I DID NOT FEEL LIKE DOING today but did anyway, only fueled my irritation! I take it back on catering to my daughter, cause truthfully I only half-heartedly did so. She cried herself to sleep after I screamed "I don't wanna play with you" when she asked me to. Talk about BAD MOTHER! And even with the peace and quiet I got after she fell asleep, I still got angry at the random TV shows I was watching; Barefoot Contessa lady for making a delicious looking chocolate cake I could only fantasize about how good it tastes, some Bridezilla for demanding ORGANIC WINE for her wedding, and Oprah of all people for looking so raggedy on her show today. WHAT...IS...WRONG...WITH...ME? I called my husband to warn him that I am having a REALLY REALLY bad day as a courtesy before he comes home from work and gets caught unaware of my B.F. and the only thing he says is that"It's time to take the baby out!"--AS IF you can just go to the hospital with absolutely no labor symptoms and say, "Hi, yes, I'm having a crappy day today, so could you do me a favor and remove this child from my womb?"

Needless to say, I feel a little better after eating half a box of choc macadamia nuts and receiving confirmation from my husband that I WILL be getting some much needed pampering this weekend. Whether it's a haircut, nails, massage, dinner, movie, shopping....whatever, even if it's just soaking on the sand alone, I'll get my fix to get rid of this pre-birth B.F.!


Leslie said...

I so feel for you and understand! Just think soon you soon have a baby and you will be better(maybe!) but at least you're not pregnant anymore!

laninaki said...

We all have B.F. kind of days. Doesn't make you a bad mom or person - just tired! Hang in there, you're so close to being done!

hine.T said...

Sorry Lole! Mommies can be such "B's" when they are least you have excuse to be a "B". Not everyone has that luxury. LOL!
I'm just happy for you that you have a husband who knows when you need to be pampered. I could deliver the message to this guy in every shape/form, and he's got an excuse for everything. I'd drop dead from surprise if I ever got the queue to go pamper myself. haha!

coheiress said...

HANG IN THERE!!!... YOU ARE SOOOOO CLOSE!!...i hope you fun getting "pampered". And you are NOT a "bad mother". love you guys!!!!

NeenaLove said...

girl... of course i know you're leute's sister... lol.... and thanks for visiting my blog. all my secrets plastered on the internet but i love it -- it's who i am.

so cute your blog!

Molly said...

I completely understand! Poor Sa, I've had B.F. days even more since giving birth...darn hormones!!! hang in there, girl!