Monday, March 16


As mentioned in my post below, Lole turned four this past weekend, on the 14th. Normally, every year I make a little music *video featuring pics and clips of the highlights of that year, but I've been so busy and TIRED lately that I haven't come around to it. Until then, here are a few things I wanted to share about her to date.

Lole was an only child for 4 years, so a lot of her personality traits are a result of her being amongst many adults throughout her life. She is mature for her age, not just in attitude (which she packs a lot of) but in her language and mannerisms as well. She is often telling people what to do, how to do it, and enjoys the company of young adult ladies just as much as she does children her own age. Her favorite thing right now is wearing dresses, lip gloss, fancy shoes, and anything that she thinks is pretty. She loves cheese pizza and close to nothing else, but is slowly broadening her tastes to things like pasta and broccoli. She's definitely a Storyteller; sometimes giving false accounts of things just for the sake of conversation, and likes to explain things to me like I'm 3 instead of 30. She doesn't discriminate when it comes to music, and can sing a tune even after hearing it only once or twice. Lole likes to pretend she can speak Spanish and sometimes when the Tongan language is being spoken in our home, she will try to mimic whoever is speaking, usually in a joking manner. She loves to laugh and point out the funnies people say or do, and is very empathetic when it comes to situations that call for sensitivity, as in death, pain or other sad things. Even though she's still super shy in public and not comfortable enough to sit in a structured dance class (she tried), Lole likes to dance Polynesian dances and the more modern, hip-hop. Lately, she's been showing some rather grown-up moves (thanks to Single Ladies, ABDC, and other dance acts she's seen) but she's so cute and usually complies when I tell her what is appropriate vs. inappropriate. Her cousin Juju is still her best friend, though they fight a lot more than they used to when they were younger. Best of all, Lole is a great big sister and often cries when she can't hold her baby or when others do so without her consent. I'm so blessed to have her in my life, and look forward to enjoying more of her wonderful personality in years to come.

*Lole's videos:
Lole's Arrival - Pregnancy, Birth, up to about 4 mos. (Song: Fiji's "Jowenna")
She's One - about 3 mos. to 1 year (Song: "Mihi Au Ia Oe")
Turning Two - Age 1 to 2 (Song: "Little Girls" by Riff)
Lole & Friends Age 3 (Song: Miley Cyrus' "True Friend")


Leslie said...

WOW!!! This is amazing!! I feel like I got know Lole, thanks for sharing and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sweet girl!!!

kuaback said...

Oka she sounds so sweet n adorable n funny too LOL
Love this piece Lole will treasure it forever. Happy blated Lole

Sibbett_Ohana said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LOLE!! I'm such a fired aunty!! This picture kind of resembles you TALA. Serious!She's so cute and WOW!!talk about a Beautiful, Gracious, funny and Talented little girl...just like her mommy. Love you!!

A.Niu said...

Dear Darla, I would just like to say Happy Belated Birthday to Shaun's Girl Friend Lole and we wish her ever happiness in her birthdays to come.

love, A.Niu

Oh and Darla can you come to the BYUH basketball game tonight? Please.

Leah said...

It's SO GREAT to see your little family!! That's so awesome that you guys are still in HI. I really miss it!!! OF course I remember Lole and you (you were always so nice to me!). She is BEAUTIFUL, I can't believe she's 4 now, where on earth did the time go??!! How fun to look and see all the pics of your family and get to know what's going on with you guys.

I'm so glad you found my blog - I linked you to my blog so now I will be able to check in from time to time

Anonymous said...

you're amazing. you've motivated me to take more pics and video of my kids...cuz lord knows my camcorder is collecting dust. they grow so fast and i really should document their childhood as much as possible!