Saturday, October 4

BIT Me...

As of late, my sleep schedule is WAY off and so here I am at 3am typing away and enjoying the feel of baby moving around in my tummy. Yesterday was my turn to see the dentist, so Bo got off work early and took us. Initially I just wanted to set up appointments to finish some work I started last year, but ended up getting two fillings even though I was dying to take a rain check so I could EAT instead. But, since I was already in the chair I figured I'd get it over with. As soon as I was done, Bo said he was hungry AGAIN(he'd been eating while I was w/ Lole & the dentist for an hour) so we walked into IHOP for pancakes (easy enough for me to chew with a numbed left side)...But because I was soooo hungry I ordered a grilled chicken/bacon ranch sandwich instead. 20 mins into the meal I notice my lip feels a bit funny...I was still so numb on one side that I didn't feel my teeth CHOMPIN down on my lower lip! Ouchie! I will never try and eat so quickly after the dentist again!!

When we got home, I feel asleep after 6pm and woke up at midnight to find my husband sleeping outside on a lawn chair, and Lole knocked out next to me. I have to wonder what they do when I'm passed out early...did they eat dinner? Did she cry for me or for someone to play with her? Why didn't anyone wake me up? I guess I'll never know, but thanks Lole and Dad for letting me catch some Zzzzz's.

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